Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Unemployment and people with ADHD
It's such a double-edged sword. I can take the medicine and go through my day like a robot, or I can skip it, get motivated and not be able to do needed work. I can't win. None of us can!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Add Signs Symptoms
There are THREE characteristics:
- inattentive, NOT hyperactive or impulsive.
- hyperactive and impulsive, but can pay attention.
- innatentive, hyperactive, and impulsive (the most common type).
Yes, these are all different types. Not all of us are disruptive; I'm certainly not. I'm rather quiet, mostly because of my stunted self esteem. I'm afraid of saying something stupid and being embarrassed about it later on.
I think there's a stereotype about kids with ADD - that they disrupt class and can't stop being little terrors, but that's so far from the truth. I was a daydreamer who never bothered anyone (well, maybe I got on my teacher's nerves for not paying attention, but that's a different story).
We come in all different flavors!
My Daughter Has ADD
See ya more in later days!
- Mary
How I Was Diagnosed With ADHD
Not being able to concentrate on even simple things.
Having that thousand-yard-stare in class when I should be paying attention.
Not having the motivation to do things that I KNOW I should be doing.
Failing in school, even though I'm NOT DUMB!
Being late to work almost daily.
Now, as a child in school, I didn't really care. Sure, my bad grades CONCERNED me when my mother yelled at me, but it's not like I had to pay my own bills or be otherwise concerned with my own well being. My parents did that for me. As selfish and foolish as that sounds, that's how I was.
Then, a rude awakening...
Having to get a job, go to college, and be accountable for myself.
I found it hard not to fail.
And I kept failing.
One day, I saw a commercial for some ADHD medication. It started out with the old spiel.. "Do you find yourself lacking motivation? Can't pay attention?" And so on. I, shocked, actually paid attention and realized THIS IS ME. THIS IS WHAT I HAVE!!!!!!
It rang clear as a bell.. so I went to my doctor and voiced my concern. However, due to rampant abuse among people my age, I had to see a therapist before I could get medicine to participate in therapy.
The therapist talked to my parents and even a former teacher. He looked at my old report cards. From there, the evidence stacked up pretty cut-and-dry: I had ADHD.
I started taking Concerta.
The first day I took, Concerta, I cried. I will never forget it. I could concentrate. I could listen. I could remember. This gift, given to normal people, was finally mine to share and embrace. And I did, and continue to do so to a degree. But this medicine doesn't come without drawbacks, which I'll be explaining in other entries.
This diagnosis has been a miracle and a curse.
So Why Do I Hate ADHD?
I tried being positive. I did! I tried thanking whoever for this "gift" and being thankful that I've always been a bit weird and unique and therefore fun, but you can't go through life just having fun. At some point, we have to get a job, we have to finish school, we have to settle down, and we have to stick with our responsibilities. ADD has given me procrastination and a profound lack of motivation in every sense. However, I can easily play video games for hours upon end.
And don't get me STARTED about the supposed treatment options. Yes, they are godsends, but let me tell you about each one I've tried. Adderall just made me more tired. Concerta (like Adderall for adults) made me hate everything and sent me into a rage. And Dexedrine, otherwise called Dextroamphetamine, is what I currently take. I feel good for a while, but eventually just wallow in my depression and desire to be cut off from other people.
In this blog, I'll be writing original content, sharing articles of interest, and talking about supposed cures and reviewing them. Feel free to comment on anything and e-mail me anytime.
How Do I Get My Child To Listen To Me?
My 13 year old son has huge problems in listening to me. He is ADHD and sometimes I honestly think he doesn't hear me when I talk to him. So when I need him to listen to me I actually go to him and put my hand on his shoulder so I know that he hears me, then I talk to him. I know this might seem extreme but I need to do what works with my son and I know that I can get is attention by using my hand on his shoulder.
This gets me the best results with Sam. He is different from my other kids and I choose to make an allowance for that. I would prefer to focus on other more important things in Sam's life right now. Perhaps as he gets older this will get better.
I have a 14 year old who is not ADHD and I know is capable of more than his other brothers. So I hold him to a much higher standard. This is my choice. I have always told me children that they are individuals and as such I will treat them as individuals.
Sam is playing soccer this season but the others are not. He has a passion for soccer and applies himself diligently therefore I gave him an extra opportunity this season. And that was my choice because I am the mom. It still amazes me how Sam can concentrate so well when there are balls involved but when it comes to listening he just can't quite manage. We are still working on this with him.
When I talk to my children, they are expected to come immediately to help out. But I do still help my little one by going to her and getting down to her level. If you have a child under about 8 years of age, it can help to get down to their level. Even if it means getting onto the floor to talk to them, they will appreciate it and this will help you to connect with your child. It also helps the child realize that you are interested in their world.
I do not call out to my kids through the house unless there is a very urgent reason. We need to model the behavior that we require from our kids and if we call out to them they will do exactly the same. Kids do not do what you tell them to do, but what they see modeled to them. This can be fantastic but it can also work against you if you are not careful.
When we model listening to our kids, our kids will listen to us in return. It really is as simple as that. Don't expect your child to what you are not prepared to do for them. Parenting is a two way street and both parties need to work together to achieve success.
These are just some of the things I do to get my kids to listen to me. The main thing is that if something works for you and your family, then keep on doing it. Different children respond in different ways so what is right for your family might not be right for the next family. Just stick with what works for you.
About the Author
Kim is a single mum with four kids who lives on the Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia. she is a best selling author as well as a child behavior management expert and her ebook on raising well behaved children can be found on her web site: www.mychildcanbehave.com
Article Source: http://www.article-idea.com/profile/http--www.mychildcanbehave.com-7420.html
Fish Oil As Excellent Treatment ADD
Scientific research has shown that people with deficiency of essential fatty acids develop symptoms which are similar to those seen in children with ADD and ADHD.
An article published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition says that children "with lower compositions of total omega 3 fatty acids had significantly more behavioral problems, temper tantrums, and learning, health, and sleep problems than did those with high proportions of omega 3 fatty acids." [Vol. 71, No. 1, 327S-330S]
Parents will surely like this natural form of treatment for ADD kids.
And the moment they know that they have several choices; it makes it a lot easier for them to make a decision. It gives them the chance to try the natural approach first.
Prescription drugs may be used, but we also need to consider the serious side effects that it can give. Fish oil on the other hand, does not give bad side effects but only endless health benefits from childhood through old age.
This natural approach of treating children with ADD and ADHD are not being promoted by scientists.
Take the case of a report published in Prostaglandins, Leukotrienes and Essential Fatty Acids, the authors noted that treating ADD and ADHD with omega 3 fatty acids is "safe compared to existing pharmacological interventions" [Vol. 63, No.1-2, pp. 79-87]
It eventually got more exciting, when a scientist, made an effort of reviewing all presented studies on omega 3s and presented his findings to the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry [Vol. 48:195-203], "that higher dosages of omega-3 fatty acids (2 to 4g daily) may ameliorate the symptoms of several psychiatric conditions" ? includes ADD and ADHD.
It can really be a bold statement to make for a scientist. We do not normally see it daily in the scientific world that they became so excited and even used the word "ameliorate" to illustrate a natural nutrient found in food.
"Ameliorate" means make healthier or better (like "cure") and would normally be used only for prescription drugs.
It is good to know that scientific studies back up your need to find ADD fish oil treatment for your kid. And certainly omega 3 fish oil is a very simple solution. By simply adding more oily fish to your family's daily diet plan can jumpstart things for you.
But this should not mean fish sticks and fish patties. They are of course made of whit meat fish, and do not contain that much omega 3s.
What you need to provide is salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel or herring. The more you serve it, the better. It can be a challenge to get 2 to 4 grams of fish oil daily just by eating those fishes.
You still have an alternative though, and this is to supplement your family's diet with good quality fish oil capsules.
Should you prefer a natural approach rather than traditional medicines, you will have to look for a pure fish oil product (does not contain toxins), with a balanced potency and has all the eight members of the omega 3 family.
It is a solution that has been proven to work well for ADHD and ADD fish oil treatment.
About the Author
Understanding all there is to know about omega 3 fatty acids is not always easy. Luckily you can get everything you need right here at fish oil.
Article Source: http://www.article-idea.com/profile/michaelbyrd-9930.html
What Are Some Symptoms Of Add
Most men and women with Adult Attention Deficit Disorder may have even had the childhood version of the condition which went undiagnosed for years.
Early diagnosis is crucial however, as it can help an individual maintain and curb the symptoms that often interfere with everyday activities and daily living.
Symptoms of ADD/ADHD
Whether you are a child or an adult the symptoms of ADD are relatively the same. The only difference between childhood ADD/ADHD and the adult version is that it symptoms can get worse due to the fact that new demands placed on adults often exacerbate the disorder.
The primary sign of the disorder is an inability to concentrate that goes well beyond an average person's propensity towards inattentiveness. Because it has more to do with an actual imbalance in the brain than the periodic lapses in attention experienced by us all, they symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder can manifest almost all the time and be every disruptive to an individual's life and the life of those around them.
Some other primary symptoms of ADD/ADHD are: - Trouble following directions - Lack of organizational skills - Can't complete deadlines - Extremely forgetful - Exhibits emotional, work related behavioral and social problems - Depression - Anger problems - Anxiety - Inability sitting still
Although these signs can manifest in children and adults alike, where the differences come in with the level of hyperactivity displayed in young sufferers. Usually, these younger victims are prescribed Ritalin to control sudden bursts of erratic energy.
Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder
The diagnostic tools and protocols set in place for diagnosing children with the condition are the same used for diagnosing adults. As stated earlier, many symptoms of Adult Attention Deficit Disorder show up in early childhood.
This fact alone can be used to establish an ADD pattern.
However, the diagnosis can become difficult if the primary symptom of the childhood ADD/ADHD was more in behavioral manifestations, than in a more noticeable form, like hyperactivity.
The main diagnostic tools are primarily base don behaviors. For instance people, with Attention Deficit Disorder tend to lack focus, not only with tasks but in life. They procrastinate, are habitually late and flit from job to job or even, partner to partner.
Many who come in to seek help have left behind them a trail of angry and disillusioned partners and relatives and aren't quite sure how to place themselves on the road to wellness.
How to control Attention Deficit Disorder
ADD/HD is thought to be a biological condition, most often inherited, that affects certain types of brain functioning. There is no cure for ADD/ADHD. When properly diagnosed and treated, ADD/ADHD can be well managed, leading to increased satisfaction in life and significant improvements in daily functioning. Many individuals with ADD/ADHD lead highly successful and happy lives. An accurate diagnosis is the first step in learning to effectively manage ADD/ADHD.
Many people who suffer from ADD are more apt to develop certain psychological ailments. Whether Attention Deficit Disorder is an actual causation or an extension of the ailment is not known.
About the Author
When looking for diagnosis and treatment for adult ADD and ADHD, consider Dr.Svec Institute of Psychological Services. ADD/ADHD doctor provides solutions for dealing with Attention Deficit Disorder.
Article Source: http://www.article-idea.com/profile/amynutt-1681.html
ADHD Sleep Disorders - Children and Adults Who Can't Sleep
This study has also claimed that out of the top 10 reasons why people can't sleep at night ADHD is one of them. For people that can't sleep due to ADHD is can be so frustrating as they may spend two to three hours in bed before actually nodding off.
In some instances other mental problems can be caused by not being able to sleep due to ADHD. WE can find other forms of psychological and physiological issues that can result in depression. The specialist that study this subject have not got all the answers to the many questions raised about ADHD sleep disorders and the causes of this problem.
Some experts believe that ADHD sleep disorder may be attributed to the diet and the heredity of the person. According to some experts, food that contains preservatives and synthetic additives may cause some side effects in our bodies such as hyperactivity especially in children and some young adults.
Dealing With ADHD Sleep Disorder
Should you child start showing key signs of having trouble sleeping you need to contact your Physician and make an appointment to see him or her. Just because your child can't sleep doesn't mean to say that they have ADHD, there are many reasons and causes that can be attributable to this condition.
Always remember that insomnia is a complex thing and may be caused by a combination of factors. The only way to determine the factors that caused insomnia in your child is to consult a doctor who is specializing in sleep disorders.
Should your child be diagnosed as suffering from ADHD sleep disorder you will need to have a discussion with the specialist regarding the different treatments available to you. Your Physician might give you the option of using drugs to treat the condition.
Should the Doctor offer the use of drugs as a possible way forward then you need to discuss with him or her the possible side effects of using them. Causing more problems that the issues that you have to deal with currently is not a way forward that is wanted.
Ask your doctor how you can help your child relax and focus on his or her tasks. Note that as a parent, you are in the best position to help your child go through this situation and find solutions to the problem.
About the Author
For extra facts and information on ADHD sleep disorders or general sleep disorders run by our website straight away.
Article Source: http://www.article-idea.com/profile/ryantbrimskoff-4662.html
Deciphering How ADD/ADHD Works
When a child's dopamine and norepinephrine levels are abnormal, they have ADHD. These abnormal levels can be caused by both environmental and biological factors.
Factors that can cause ADHD are: prenatal exposure to tobacco smoke, whether by the mother or surrounding smokers, premature birth, lead poisoning, a mother using drugs and alcohol, malnutrition, low iron or high blood lead in early development stages. If the child has had a serious brain infection or brain trauma, these can be causes as well.
Treating ADHD includes medication to control symptoms. the most widely used medications are methylphenidate (Ritalin, Concerta), dextroamphetamine (Dexedrine), pemoline (Cylert), atomoxetine (Strattera) and Adderall- which is a combination drug. These medications improve the patient's ability to pay attention and focus or concentrate, as well as decrease impulsiveness or hyperactive behavior. These medication should never be used without your doctor's advice, or against it!
Most parents want to know how they can help their child. ADHD children crave structured environments and need to know what is expected of them. Having the teachers, parents and doctors all working toward a common goal will greatly increase the effectiveness of a treatment plan. Talking with and ADHD specialist will also benefit the family. Counseling is also a good partner to medication for a lot of children. The key is to keeping lines of communication with your doctor open and well used.
About the Author
All of us can take time sharpen up on our parenting skills. Go to parentinginformed.com and search the many categories in child development available to everyone.
Article Source: http://www.article-idea.com/profile/victorraff-5898.html