This study has also claimed that out of the top 10 reasons why people can't sleep at night ADHD is one of them. For people that can't sleep due to ADHD is can be so frustrating as they may spend two to three hours in bed before actually nodding off.
In some instances other mental problems can be caused by not being able to sleep due to ADHD. WE can find other forms of psychological and physiological issues that can result in depression. The specialist that study this subject have not got all the answers to the many questions raised about ADHD sleep disorders and the causes of this problem.
Some experts believe that ADHD sleep disorder may be attributed to the diet and the heredity of the person. According to some experts, food that contains preservatives and synthetic additives may cause some side effects in our bodies such as hyperactivity especially in children and some young adults.
Dealing With ADHD Sleep Disorder
Should you child start showing key signs of having trouble sleeping you need to contact your Physician and make an appointment to see him or her. Just because your child can't sleep doesn't mean to say that they have ADHD, there are many reasons and causes that can be attributable to this condition.
Always remember that insomnia is a complex thing and may be caused by a combination of factors. The only way to determine the factors that caused insomnia in your child is to consult a doctor who is specializing in sleep disorders.
Should your child be diagnosed as suffering from ADHD sleep disorder you will need to have a discussion with the specialist regarding the different treatments available to you. Your Physician might give you the option of using drugs to treat the condition.
Should the Doctor offer the use of drugs as a possible way forward then you need to discuss with him or her the possible side effects of using them. Causing more problems that the issues that you have to deal with currently is not a way forward that is wanted.
Ask your doctor how you can help your child relax and focus on his or her tasks. Note that as a parent, you are in the best position to help your child go through this situation and find solutions to the problem.
About the Author
For extra facts and information on ADHD sleep disorders or general sleep disorders run by our website straight away.
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